***TOP 5% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST*** Ready to write your first book and make an impact? Do you feel overwhelmed with how to start, be organized, and the writing process itself? Are you needing encouragement to share your God story without feeling terrified? I’m so excited that you’re here on Book Writing Made Simple! This podcast will help you organize your thoughts, simplify the writing process and make writing your book a priority in your busy schedule so you can make a kingdom impact. Hey, I’m Donna Sherrie, a wife, FAITH walker, Author, and Book Writing Coach. For years, I wanted to write a book to share my GOD story. I was overthinking the process, jotting down notes everywhere and felt like writing was just a fruitless exercise. I finally decided that I was going to find the courage to write and finish the book. And I did it! In less than a year I was able to write, edit, and publish my book. I created a simple plan and steps that I could actually implement to stay on track that made writing enjoyable. If you’re ready to get clear vision and move forward by faith, get organized, keep it simple, develop a writing plan, and get your book out into the world - this podcast is for you! Listen in, grab your favorite notebook, pen and a cup of tea. It’s time to get clear, be bold, and write for the Kingdom! I pray this blesses you. Let’s get started! Next Steps: Join the Free Community: https://donnasherrie.com/community/ Visit the Website: https://donnasherrie.com/ Email Us: contact@donnasherrie.com
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
This week, I’m excited to chat with Sabrina Carter-Anderson, founder of Black and Traveled, a travel company focused on empowering Black men and women to pursue their largest travel dreams and providing a safe space for them to travel without limitations. A company that provides luxury and value to its community of travelers.
In 2018, she took a chance and booked a group trip to a faraway place….Thailand. After salvaging that trip, she realized just what’s needed to have a memorable first-time experience abroad. With over 14 years of project management experience and a love of travel, she decided to create Black and Traveled.
Since its inception, travelers have voyaged to 7 countries and there are more bucket list destinations to go to.
In this episode, Sabrina shares:
- Her experience of going on a group trip to Thailand
- How she utilized her project management skills to rebook her trip while in Thailand
- The creation, first steps, and how she got started with her travel business
- Her first trip to Cuba
- How to plan for your dream vacation
- The power of seeing a place for yourself
- How she makes solo or introverted travelers feel comfortable on group trips
Resources Mentioned:
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Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Kristin Secor was born with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy which affects her mobility, strength, balance, endurance, and breathing (she uses a ventilator full-time). She has worked as a licensed mental health counselor for 11 years and is now the owner and author of a wheelchair-accessible travel blog. Despite her physical challenges, she lives life to the fullest and actively pursues her love of travel which she shares on her blog. Her mission is to inspire people to travel and provide accessible travel information and resources to make wheelchair travel easier.
Kristen has traveled to 4 continents and 20 different countries. By the end of 2026, her goal is to visit all 7 continents.
In this episode, Kristen shares:
- How to research, plan, and organize your accessible trip in advance
- What questions to ask about accessible rooms and other reasonable accommodations
- The importance of having a backup plan if issues arise on your trip
- Travel tips and helpful resources to have amazing travel experiences and explore the world
Resources Mentioned:
Connect with Kristen Secor:
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Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Maureen is the President of LIFESWITCH, INC. where she helps women over 40 lose weight and age gracefully to experience more energy and purpose without dieting, calorie counting, or excessive exercise. She is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach with a MA in Psychology.
Throughout Maureen’s life, she encountered unexpected hardships from seeing her brother become paralyzed, having a mother living with Alzheimer's, dealing with a loss of an infant child, and being hit by a bus in a car accident.
After Maureen’s bad car accident, she was told she would not run, bike, or swim again. However, her passion for health and wellness helped her to heal. Within five years of the accident, she ran the Boston Marathon, competed in a half ironman, and summited Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, East Africa.
And by the way, Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano with three volcanic cones: Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. It's the highest mountain in Africa and the highest single free-standing mountain above sea level in the world.
How cool is that?! A living example of grit, tenacity, laser focus, and resiliency!
In this episode, Maureen addresses:
- How to deal with mental blocks that interfere with living a healthier lifestyle
- How to implement slow, incremental changes that make big changes over time and keep you pushing forward on your health journey
- Simple movements to get you started if you dread working out or have never worked out before
- Practical tips to move past just being motivated into taking small actionable steps toward your weight loss goals
- The importance of tracking your progress regularly and holding yourself accountable
- Accountability options that work best for you, your personality, and your lifestyle
Resources Mentioned:
Connect with Maureen Kemeny:
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Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Has there ever been in a time in your life when you questioned why you were suffering? Suffering physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually. We don’t tend to know why God allows some experiences or ailments to happen to us but we can still hold fast to His promises during those difficult times.
This week I interviewed Karis Meier, the Author of Suffering Redeemed: Finding strength to endure, purpose in pain, and hope for tomorrow.
It’s been seventeen years since Karis can remember feeling well in her body. She has learned to live feeling sick and in pain, but it certainly doesn’t get easier with time. In 2006 she contracted a few species of rare intestinal parasites while traveling overseas. But, the diagnosis went undetected for several months. Karis started feeling sick amid the process of getting married and moving to Alaska, where her husband was stationed in the army. A few months later he was deployed to Iraq. The doctors kept telling Karis it was nerves but she knew it was more. After losing 25 pounds, and persistent to get more tests done, the parasites were found and then treated.
In the weeks that followed, she waited expectantly to start feeling better. But was left disappointed. Every time Karis ate, she felt sick. She was depleted of energy and couldn’t gain the weight back. Stomach pains woke her up in the night and stole her sleep. She felt despair starting to find its way into the core of her being.
Time elapsed and by God’s grace, he brought blessings in the midst of her trial. After being told she would never be able to have children, Karis became pregnant with a son. As the army moved her family from place to place, she met many wonderful people who encouraged them on the way. Although life was not what she would have wanted, God faithfully walked with her family each step of the way.
Only by her hope in Christ and eternity to come was she able to keep on going every day. She burned to use the illness as an opportunity to share her testimony of hope in God. At the same time, she felt burdened by the fact that she may remain ill and weak for the rest of her life and all she could think about was wanting it to be over. Those were the thoughts that would constantly bring her back to her knees, longing to get the Father’s perspective again.
Karis didn’t think things could get worse, but they did. Her heart and flesh were failing her and despair loomed around every corner. The list of bodily ailments continued to grow: intestinal disease, malabsorption, pancreas atrophy, heart arrhythmia, Lyme disease, and peripheral neuropathy. It seemed like her body wanted to give up and so was she. The battle against depression and despair was always waging.
Karis and her husband now have four children and reside in Northern Virginia. She holds a BA in Christian Education and a MA in Counseling. She is a Wife, Mother, Author, Counselor, and Speaker. Karis has struggled with chronic illness for many years and is passionate about sharing how God leads her through this journey. Her heart is to walk alongside others in their suffering and seek God’s comfort and hope in the process. When Karis is not writing, you can find her enjoying the sun, taking walks, playing with her kids, watching soccer, and reading.
In this episode, Karis shares:
- How to find joy in the midst of suffering
- How to build a support system and ask for what you need
- Her personal lessons from God on her journey
- The importance of speaking and declaring God's truth
Resources Mentioned:
Key Verses:
Connect with Author Karis Meier:
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Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Dr. Michelle McCormick is a lover of Jesus. At a young age, she struggled with depression and suicide due to trauma from molestation and domestic violence. She became a teen mom having her first child at 14 years old. After 26 years of struggling with low self-esteem, anger, hurt, pain, being a victim, and identity crisis - meeting Jesus was the best thing that happened to her. Through learning to love God who in turn taught her to love herself while going through deliverance and healing she went from a victim to a victor mindset. Dr. McCormick has achieved many great things in her life and the first being the proud mother of her 5 children.
In addition, Dr. McCormick has a doctrinal degree in Christian Theology and is currently in school for a Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Health with a major in Trauma Counseling. She is a Christian Life Coach and the Founder and Owner of Victim to Victory, LLC She also certifies Christian Life Coaches in her S.H.I.F.T. Transformational Academy, and is a two-time Author on Amazon's best-seller list. She has also been called to the office of Apostle and has pastored for 9 years.
Above all that, she enjoys being the wife to her husband, Robert, whom she has been married to for 16 years, and a grandmother to their 21 grandchildren.
Her story is going from pain to purpose and promise; from broken to wholeness. She has a story of triumph that signifies God is able! She declares God is able no matter the situation, circumstance, pain, or trauma!
In this episode, Dr. McCormick shares:
- How she dealt with trauma during her childhood, attempted suicide, and depression
- How shame can cripple and lock us in a box
- The importance of unlocking the treasures of the truth of who God says you are in the Bible
- How an identity crisis causes us to wear different masks
Resources Mentioned:
Key Verses:
Connect with Dr. Michelle McCormick:
- Facebook: S.H.I.F.T. Transformational Community
- IG: @shift_transformation
- www.victimtovictorycoach.com
Connect with Me:
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease and Prevent Control), "More than 37 million Americans have diabetes (about 1 in 10), and approximately 90-95% of them have type 2 diabetes." Type 2 Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that can be reversible or put in remission if you make a change.
In this week’s episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Shanae Artis, an Author, Healthy Lifestyle Influencer, and Speaker committed to influencing change in everyone she encounters.
After 20 years of struggling with Type 2 Diabetes, being overweight, and overall disliking herself, Shanae decided to change. In 2019, Shanae embarked on a weight loss journey that led her to a clean keto lifestyle. Now, three years later, 40 pounds lighter and diabetes free, she is teaching encouraging and supporting others on their health, wellness, and weight loss journey.
In this episode, Shanae Artis shares:
- How she found a holistic doctor who introduced her to the keto lifestyle
- The process she went through to change her mindset and become intentional about healthy eating habits
- How she went from being diabetic and taking injections to no longer being diabetic, considered pre-diabetic, and losing 40lbs in one year
- How to become intentional, prayerful, and committed to your health goals
- The difference between a diet vs. a lifestyle
- The importance of taking personal responsibility for your eating choices
- Practical tips to get someone started on a new path toward healthy living
- The benefits of a low-carb lifestyle
Resources Mentioned:
CDC Information about Type 2 Diabetes
Connect with Shanae Artis:
- Facebook: The Keto Konnection
- IG: @theketokonnection_
- TikTok: @theketokonnection
- www.shanaemartis.com
Connect with Me:
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Renee' is a committed Wife, Mother, and Founder of Meditational Moment Inc. alongside her husband Terrence A. Odrick. MM is a virtual, mobile, marketplace ministry and school entrusted to them by God where they seek to educate, train, and inspire all humankind to incorporate meditation in their lives as a catalyst for God's alignment. The foundational scripture is Joshua 1:8 which tells us that the book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make their way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.
This movement is designed to awaken the spirit of man by bringing full enlightenment and success through meditation. She is passionate about ensuring that all individuals build a growing relationship with God and see the promises of God alive and active in their life. As a sought-after speaker/facilitator Renee’ has been noted as a voice of influence and encouragement for those needing to push past complacency into a place of purpose and destiny that has been ordained by God.
As a graduate of both Liberty University and the University of Phoenix Renee’ holds an MBA in Business Administration and Leadership and certifications in Pastoral Counseling, Theology, and Biblical Studies. She has also obtained her certification as a Christian Life Coach through the Breakpoint Coaching Collective and is a Board Certified Life Coach.
Renee’ is a “Faithwalker,” overcomer, and survivor of sickness and disease, and looks to God to empower others through her story of survival and strength. Renee' is passionate about being a world changer by sharing what God has given her to help both non-believers and believers of every denomination and culture experience the MORE of God!
In this episode, Renee:
- Defines meditation from a biblical perspective
- How to incorporate meditating on God’s Word in your everyday life
- The benefits and clarity that come from meditation
- Identifies how to hear God’s voice
- Gives practical ways to get started with meditation
Resources Mentioned:
Connect with Renee Odrick:
- Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/YouTube @meditationalmoment
- www.meditationalmoment.com
Connect with Me:
- Instagram @iamdonnasherrie
- Facebook: @iamdonnasherrie
- Join the Overcomers Confidence Club
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
In this week’s episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. DeAnna C. Murphy who is a Professional Counselor, a Clinical Addictions Specialist, a National Board Certified Counselor, a Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, and an EMDR-certified Trauma Therapist.
Dr. Murphy is described by her industry peers as bold, optimistic, and self-driven. A native of Red Springs, North Carolina, Murphy has dedicated nearly two decades of her life to researching and serving dually-diagnosed populations: mental health and substance abuse. Working alongside disadvantaged minorities, she gained insight into how to apply critical theories to current problems.
With her vast background through education and professional experience, Murphy has now transitioned into her own private counseling practice. Synergy Care and Counseling has been tailored to provide a safe place for women who have experienced trauma and are ready for healing. The practice provides counseling to individuals, families, and couples.
In spring, 2018 Dr. Murphy released her first children’s book, Rayne and the Yellow Dress, part of an Ebony Drive series. The series was created as a pathway for parents and educators to discuss topics of diversity such as colorism, hair texture, and body image with children in the black community.
In this episode, Dr. Murphy explains:
- How to cope with a mental health diagnosis
- the Fight, Flight, and Freeze modes
- How to support a person who appears withdrawn
- Healthy coping, and relaxation strategies to deal with stress, and the connection between your emotional and physical health
- the H.A.L.T. acronym, and three different types of trauma a person may experience: acute, chronic, and complex
- The difference between trauma vs Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and PTSD symptoms
- Avoidant behaviors
- How to identify when you’re on high alert and excessively stressing yourself and shares ways to reduce your stress levels
- Therapy resources for insured, uninsured, and college students
Resources Mentioned:
- 988 - Mental Health Resources
- United Way 211 - Check your local area for counseling needs
- Ask me a question - Leave me a question using the contact form and I’ll answer it on the podcast
Connect with Dr. DeAnna C. Murphy:
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